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Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/__pycache__/../uaclient/config.py
import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, cast

import yaml

from uaclient import (
from uaclient.defaults import (

    "_doc": "Content provided in json response is currently considered"
    " Experimental and may change",
    "_schema_version": "0.1",
    "version": version.get_version(),
    "machine_id": None,
    "attached": False,
    "effective": None,
    "expires": None,  # TODO Will this break something?
    "origin": None,
    "services": [],
    "execution_status": status.UserFacingConfigStatus.INACTIVE.value,
    "execution_details": messages.NO_ACTIVE_OPERATIONS,
    "notices": [],
    "contract": {
        "id": "",
        "name": "",
        "created_at": "",
        "products": [],
        "tech_support_level": status.UserFacingStatus.INAPPLICABLE.value,
    "account": {
        "name": "",
        "id": "",
        "created_at": "",
        "external_account_ids": [],
    "simulated": False,
}  # type: Dict[str, Any]

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PRIVATE_SUBDIR = "private"
    "availableResources": "name",
    "resourceEntitlements": "type",

# Keys visible and configurable using `ua config set|unset|show` subcommands

# Basic schema validation top-level keys for parse_config handling

# A data path is a filename, an attribute ("private") indicating whether it
# should only be readable by root, and an attribute ("permanent") indicating
# whether it should stick around even when detached.
DataPath = namedtuple("DataPath", ("filename", "private", "permanent"))

event = event_logger.get_event_logger()

class UAConfig:

    data_paths = {
        "instance-id": DataPath("instance-id", True, False),
        "machine-access-cis": DataPath("machine-access-cis.json", True, False),
        "machine-token": DataPath("machine-token.json", True, False),
        "lock": DataPath("lock", True, False),
        "status-cache": DataPath("status.json", False, False),
        "notices": DataPath("notices.json", False, False),
        "marker-reboot-cmds": DataPath(
            "marker-reboot-cmds-required", False, False
        "marker-license-check": DataPath("marker-license-check", False, True),
        "services-once-enabled": DataPath(
            "services-once-enabled", False, True
        "jobs-status": DataPath("jobs-status.json", False, True),
    }  # type: Dict[str, DataPath]

    _entitlements = None  # caching to avoid repetitive file reads
    _machine_token = None  # caching to avoid repetitive file reading
    _contract_expiry_datetime = None

    def __init__(self, cfg: Dict[str, Any] = None, series: str = None) -> None:
        if cfg:
            self.cfg_path = None
            self.cfg = cfg
            self.cfg_path = get_config_path()
            self.cfg = parse_config(self.cfg_path)

        self.series = series

    def accounts(self):
        """Return the list of accounts that apply to this authorized user."""
        if self.is_attached:
            accountInfo = self.machine_token["machineTokenInfo"]["accountInfo"]
            return [accountInfo]
        return []

    def contract_url(self) -> str:
        return self.cfg.get("contract_url", BASE_CONTRACT_URL)

    def security_url(self) -> str:
        return self.cfg.get("security_url", BASE_SECURITY_URL)

    def http_proxy(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self.cfg.get("ua_config", {}).get("http_proxy")

    def http_proxy(self, value: str):
        if "ua_config" not in self.cfg:
            self.cfg["ua_config"] = {}
        self.cfg["ua_config"]["http_proxy"] = value

    def https_proxy(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self.cfg.get("ua_config", {}).get("https_proxy")

    def https_proxy(self, value: str):
        if "ua_config" not in self.cfg:
            self.cfg["ua_config"] = {}
        self.cfg["ua_config"]["https_proxy"] = value

    def apt_http_proxy(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self.cfg.get("ua_config", {}).get("apt_http_proxy")

    def apt_http_proxy(self, value: str):
        if "ua_config" not in self.cfg:
            self.cfg["ua_config"] = {}
        self.cfg["ua_config"]["apt_http_proxy"] = value

    def apt_https_proxy(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self.cfg.get("ua_config", {}).get("apt_https_proxy")

    def apt_https_proxy(self, value: str):
        if "ua_config" not in self.cfg:
            self.cfg["ua_config"] = {}
        self.cfg["ua_config"]["apt_https_proxy"] = value

    def update_status_timer(self) -> Optional[int]:
        return self.cfg.get("ua_config", {}).get("update_status_timer")

    def update_status_timer(self, value: int):
        if "ua_config" not in self.cfg:
            self.cfg["ua_config"] = {}
        self.cfg["ua_config"]["update_status_timer"] = value

    def update_messaging_timer(self) -> Optional[int]:
        return self.cfg.get("ua_config", {}).get("update_messaging_timer")

    def update_messaging_timer(self, value: int):
        if "ua_config" not in self.cfg:
            self.cfg["ua_config"] = {}
        self.cfg["ua_config"]["update_messaging_timer"] = value

    def metering_timer(self) -> "Optional[int]":
        return self.cfg.get("ua_config", {}).get("metering_timer")

    def metering_timer(self, value: int):
        if "ua_config" not in self.cfg:
            self.cfg["ua_config"] = {}
        self.cfg["ua_config"]["metering_timer"] = value

    def check_lock_info(self) -> Tuple[int, str]:
        """Return lock info if config lock file is present the lock is active.

        If process claiming the lock is no longer present, remove the lock file
        and log a warning.

        :param lock_path: Full path to the lock file.

        :return: A tuple (pid, string describing lock holder)
            If no active lock, pid will be -1.
        lock_path = self.data_path("lock")
        no_lock = (-1, "")
        if not os.path.exists(lock_path):
            return no_lock
        lock_content = util.load_file(lock_path)
        [lock_pid, lock_holder] = lock_content.split(":")
            util.subp(["ps", lock_pid])
            return (int(lock_pid), lock_holder)
        except exceptions.ProcessExecutionError:
            if os.getuid() != 0:
                    "Found stale lock file previously held by %s:%s",
                return (int(lock_pid), lock_holder)
                "Removing stale lock file previously held by %s:%s",
            return no_lock

    def data_dir(self):
        return self.cfg["data_dir"]

    def log_level(self):
        log_level = self.cfg.get("log_level")
            return getattr(logging, log_level.upper())
        except AttributeError:
            return getattr(logging, CONFIG_DEFAULTS["log_level"])

    def add_notice(self, label: str, description: str):
        """Add a notice message to notices cache.

        Such notices are seen in the Notices section from ua status output.
        They are also present in the JSON status output.
        notices = self.read_cache("notices") or []
        notice = [label, description]
        if notice not in notices:
            self.write_cache("notices", notices)

    def remove_notice(self, label_regex: str, descr_regex: str):
        """Remove matching notices if present.

        :param label_regex: Regex used to remove notices with matching labels.
        :param descr_regex: Regex used to remove notices with matching
        notices = []
        cached_notices = self.read_cache("notices")
        if cached_notices:
            for notice_label, notice_descr in cached_notices:
                if re.match(label_regex, notice_label):
                    if re.match(descr_regex, notice_descr):
                notices.append((notice_label, notice_descr))
        if notices:
            self.write_cache("notices", notices)
        elif os.path.exists(self.data_path("notices")):

    def log_file(self) -> str:
        return self.cfg.get("log_file", CONFIG_DEFAULTS["log_file"])

    def timer_log_file(self) -> str:
        return self.cfg.get(
            "timer_log_file", CONFIG_DEFAULTS["timer_log_file"]

    def license_check_log_file(self):
        return self.cfg.get(
            "license_check_log_file", CONFIG_DEFAULTS["license_check_log_file"]

    def entitlements(self):
        """Return a dictionary of entitlements keyed by entitlement name.

        Return an empty dict if no entitlements are present.
        if self._entitlements:
            return self._entitlements
        machine_token = self.machine_token
        if not machine_token:
            return {}

        self._entitlements = {}
        contractInfo = machine_token.get("machineTokenInfo", {}).get(
        if not contractInfo:
            return {}

        tokens_by_name = dict(
            (e.get("type"), e.get("token"))
            for e in machine_token.get("resourceTokens", [])
        ent_by_name = dict(
            (e.get("type"), e)
            for e in contractInfo.get("resourceEntitlements", [])
        for entitlement_name, ent_value in ent_by_name.items():
            entitlement_cfg = {"entitlement": ent_value}
            if entitlement_name in tokens_by_name:
                entitlement_cfg["resourceToken"] = tokens_by_name[
            util.apply_series_overrides(entitlement_cfg, self.series)
            self._entitlements[entitlement_name] = entitlement_cfg
        return self._entitlements

    def contract_expiry_datetime(self) -> datetime:
        """Return a datetime of the attached contract expiration."""
        if not self._contract_expiry_datetime:
            self._contract_expiry_datetime = self.machine_token[

        return self._contract_expiry_datetime

    def is_attached(self):
        """Report whether this machine configuration is attached to UA."""
        return bool(self.machine_token)  # machine_token is removed on detach

    def contract_remaining_days(self) -> int:
        """Report num days until contract expiration based on effectiveTo

        :return: A positive int representing the number of days the attached
            contract remains in effect. Return a negative int for the number
            of days beyond contract's effectiveTo date.
        delta = self.contract_expiry_datetime.date() - datetime.utcnow().date()
        return delta.days

    def features(self):
        """Return a dictionary of any features provided in uaclient.conf."""
        features = self.cfg.get("features")
        if features:
            if isinstance(features, dict):
                return features
                    "Unexpected uaclient.conf features value."
                    " Expected dict, but found %s",
        return {}

    def machine_token(self):
        """Return the machine-token if cached in the machine token response."""
        if not self._machine_token:
            raw_machine_token = self.read_cache("machine-token")

            machine_token_overlay_path = self.features.get(

            if raw_machine_token and machine_token_overlay_path:
                machine_token_overlay = self.parse_machine_token_overlay(

                if machine_token_overlay:

            self._machine_token = raw_machine_token

        return self._machine_token

    def activity_token(self) -> "Optional[str]":
        if self.machine_token:
            return self.machine_token.get("activityInfo", {}).get(
        return None

    def activity_id(self) -> "Optional[str]":
        if self.machine_token:
            return self.machine_token.get("activityInfo", {}).get("activityID")
        return None

    def activity_ping_interval(self) -> "Optional[int]":
        if self.machine_token:
            return self.machine_token.get("activityInfo", {}).get(
        return None

    def contract_id(self):
        if self.machine_token:
            return (
                self.machine_token.get("machineTokenInfo", {})
                .get("contractInfo", {})
        return None

    def parse_machine_token_overlay(self, machine_token_overlay_path):
        if not os.path.exists(machine_token_overlay_path):
            raise exceptions.UserFacingError(

            machine_token_overlay_content = util.load_file(

            return json.loads(machine_token_overlay_content)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise exceptions.UserFacingError(
                    error=str(e), file_path=machine_token_overlay_path

    def data_path(self, key: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
        """Return the file path in the data directory represented by the key"""
        data_dir = self.cfg["data_dir"]
        if not key:
            return os.path.join(data_dir, PRIVATE_SUBDIR)
        if key in self.data_paths:
            data_path = self.data_paths[key]
            if data_path.private:
                return os.path.join(
                    data_dir, PRIVATE_SUBDIR, data_path.filename
            return os.path.join(data_dir, data_path.filename)
        return os.path.join(data_dir, PRIVATE_SUBDIR, key)

    def cache_key_exists(self, key: str) -> bool:
        cache_path = self.data_path(key)
        return os.path.exists(cache_path)

    def _perform_delete(self, cache_path: str) -> None:
        """Delete the given cache_path if it exists.

        (This is a separate method to allow easier disabling of deletion during
        if os.path.exists(cache_path):

    def delete_cache_key(self, key: str) -> None:
        """Remove specific cache file."""
        if not key:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Invalid or empty key provided to delete_cache_key"
        if key.startswith("machine-access") or key == "machine-token":
            self._entitlements = None
            self._machine_token = None
        elif key == "lock":
            self.remove_notice("", "Operation in progress.*")
        cache_path = self.data_path(key)

    def delete_cache(self, delete_permanent: bool = False):
        Remove configuration cached response files class attributes.

        :param delete_permanent: even delete the "permanent" files
        for path_key in self.data_paths.keys():
            if delete_permanent or not self.data_paths[path_key].permanent:

    def read_cache(self, key: str, silent: bool = False) -> Optional[Any]:
        cache_path = self.data_path(key)
            content = util.load_file(cache_path)
        except Exception:
            if not os.path.exists(cache_path) and not silent:
                logging.debug("File does not exist: %s", cache_path)
            return None
            return json.loads(content, cls=util.DatetimeAwareJSONDecoder)
        except ValueError:
            return content

    def write_cache(self, key: str, content: Any) -> None:
        filepath = self.data_path(key)
        data_dir = os.path.dirname(filepath)
        if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
            if os.path.basename(data_dir) == PRIVATE_SUBDIR:
                os.chmod(data_dir, 0o700)
        if key.startswith("machine-access") or key == "machine-token":
            self._machine_token = None
            self._entitlements = None
        elif key == "lock":
            if ":" in content:
                    "Operation in progress: {}".format(content.split(":")[1]),
        if not isinstance(content, str):
            content = json.dumps(content, cls=util.DatetimeAwareJSONEncoder)
        mode = 0o600
        if key in self.data_paths:
            if not self.data_paths[key].private:
                mode = 0o644
        util.write_file(filepath, content, mode=mode)

    def _handle_beta_resources(self, show_beta, response) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Remove beta services from response dict if needed"""
        from uaclient.entitlements import entitlement_factory

        config_allow_beta = util.is_config_value_true(
            config=self.cfg, path_to_value="features.allow_beta"
        show_beta |= config_allow_beta
        if show_beta:
            return response

        new_response = copy.deepcopy(response)

        released_resources = []
        for resource in new_response.get("services", {}):
            resource_name = resource["name"]
                ent_cls = entitlement_factory(resource_name)
            except exceptions.EntitlementNotFoundError:
                Here we cannot know the status of a service,
                since it is not listed as a valid entitlement.
                Therefore, we keep this service in the list, since
                we cannot validate if it is a beta service or not.

            enabled_status = status.UserFacingStatus.ACTIVE.value
            if (
                not ent_cls.is_beta
                or resource.get("status", "") == enabled_status

        if released_resources:
            new_response["services"] = released_resources

        return new_response

    def _get_config_status(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Return a dict with execution_status, execution_details and notices.

        Values for execution_status will be one of UserFacingConfigStatus
            inactive, active, reboot-required
        execution_details will provide more details about that state.
        notices is a list of tuples with label and description items.
        userStatus = status.UserFacingConfigStatus
        status_val = userStatus.INACTIVE.value
        status_desc = messages.NO_ACTIVE_OPERATIONS
        (lock_pid, lock_holder) = self.check_lock_info()
        notices = self.read_cache("notices") or []
        if lock_pid > 0:
            status_val = userStatus.ACTIVE.value
            status_desc = messages.LOCK_HELD.format(
                pid=lock_pid, lock_holder=lock_holder
        elif os.path.exists(self.data_path("marker-reboot-cmds")):
            status_val = userStatus.REBOOTREQUIRED.value
            operation = "configuration changes"
            for label, description in notices:
                if label == "Reboot required":
                    operation = description
            status_desc = messages.ENABLE_REBOOT_REQUIRED_TMPL.format(
        return {
            "execution_status": status_val,
            "execution_details": status_desc,
            "notices": notices,
            "config_path": self.cfg_path,
            "config": self.cfg,

    def _unattached_status(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Return unattached status as a dict."""
        from uaclient.contract import get_available_resources
        from uaclient.entitlements import entitlement_factory

        response = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_STATUS)
        response["version"] = version.get_version(features=self.features)

        resources = get_available_resources(self)
        for resource in resources:
            if resource.get("available"):
                available = status.UserFacingAvailability.AVAILABLE.value
                available = status.UserFacingAvailability.UNAVAILABLE.value
                ent_cls = entitlement_factory(resource.get("name", ""))
            except exceptions.EntitlementNotFoundError:
                    "Ignoring availability of unknown service %s"
                    " from contract server",
                    resource.get("name", "without a 'name' key"),

                    "name": resource.get("presentedAs", resource["name"]),
                    "description": ent_cls.description,
                    "available": available,
        response["services"].sort(key=lambda x: x.get("name", ""))

        return response

    def _attached_service_status(
        self, ent, inapplicable_resources
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        status_details = ""
        description_override = None
        contract_status = ent.contract_status()
        if contract_status == status.ContractStatus.UNENTITLED:
            ent_status = status.UserFacingStatus.UNAVAILABLE
            if ent.name in inapplicable_resources:
                ent_status = status.UserFacingStatus.INAPPLICABLE
                description_override = inapplicable_resources[ent.name]
                ent_status, details = ent.user_facing_status()
                if details:
                    status_details = details.msg

        blocked_by = [
                "name": service.entitlement.name,
                "reason_code": service.named_msg.name,
                "reason": service.named_msg.msg,
            for service in ent.blocking_incompatible_services()

        return {
            "name": ent.presentation_name,
            "description": ent.description,
            "entitled": contract_status.value,
            "status": ent_status.value,
            "status_details": status_details,
            "description_override": description_override,
            "available": "yes"
            if ent.name not in inapplicable_resources
            else "no",
            "blocked_by": blocked_by,

    def _attached_status(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Return configuration of attached status as a dictionary."""
        from uaclient.contract import get_available_resources
        from uaclient.entitlements import entitlement_factory

        response = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_STATUS)
        machineTokenInfo = self.machine_token["machineTokenInfo"]
        contractInfo = machineTokenInfo["contractInfo"]
        tech_support_level = status.UserFacingStatus.INAPPLICABLE.value
                "version": version.get_version(features=self.features),
                "machine_id": machineTokenInfo["machineId"],
                "attached": True,
                "origin": contractInfo.get("origin"),
                "notices": self.read_cache("notices") or [],
                "contract": {
                    "id": contractInfo["id"],
                    "name": contractInfo["name"],
                    "created_at": contractInfo.get("createdAt", ""),
                    "products": contractInfo.get("products", []),
                    "tech_support_level": tech_support_level,
                "account": {
                    "name": self.accounts[0]["name"],
                    "id": self.accounts[0]["id"],
                    "created_at": self.accounts[0].get("createdAt", ""),
                    "external_account_ids": self.accounts[0].get(
                        "externalAccountIDs", []
        if contractInfo.get("effectiveTo"):
            response["expires"] = self.contract_expiry_datetime
        if contractInfo.get("effectiveFrom"):
            response["effective"] = contractInfo["effectiveFrom"]

        resources = self.machine_token.get("availableResources")
        if not resources:
            resources = get_available_resources(self)

        inapplicable_resources = {
            resource["name"]: resource.get("description")
            for resource in sorted(resources, key=lambda x: x.get("name", ""))
            if not resource.get("available")

        for resource in resources:
                ent_cls = entitlement_factory(resource.get("name", ""))
            except exceptions.EntitlementNotFoundError:
            ent = ent_cls(self)
                self._attached_service_status(ent, inapplicable_resources)
        response["services"].sort(key=lambda x: x.get("name", ""))

        support = self.entitlements.get("support", {}).get("entitlement")
        if support:
            supportLevel = support.get("affordances", {}).get("supportLevel")
            if supportLevel:
                response["contract"]["tech_support_level"] = supportLevel
        return response

    def _get_entitlement_information(
        self, entitlements: List[Dict[str, Any]], entitlement_name: str
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Extract information from the entitlements array."""
        for entitlement in entitlements:
            if entitlement.get("type") == entitlement_name:
                return {
                    "entitled": "yes" if entitlement.get("entitled") else "no",
                    "auto_enabled": "yes"
                    if entitlement.get("obligations", {}).get(
                    else "no",
                    "affordances": entitlement.get("affordances", {}),
        return {"entitled": "no", "auto_enabled": "no", "affordances": {}}

    def simulate_status(
        self, token: str, show_beta: bool = False
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], int]:
        """Get a status dictionary based on a token.

        Returns a tuple with the status dictionary and an integer value - 0 for
        success, 1 for failure
        from uaclient.contract import (
        from uaclient.entitlements import entitlement_factory

        ret = 0
        response = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_STATUS)

            contract_information = get_contract_information(self, token)
        except exceptions.ContractAPIError as e:
            if hasattr(e, "code") and e.code == 401:
                raise exceptions.UserFacingError(
            raise e

        contract_info = contract_information.get("contractInfo", {})
        account_info = contract_information.get("accountInfo", {})

                "version": version.get_version(features=self.features),
                "contract": {
                    "id": contract_info.get("id", ""),
                    "name": contract_info.get("name", ""),
                    "created_at": contract_info.get("createdAt", ""),
                    "products": contract_info.get("products", []),
                "account": {
                    "name": account_info.get("name", ""),
                    "id": account_info.get("id"),
                    "created_at": account_info.get("createdAt", ""),
                    "external_account_ids": account_info.get(
                        "externalAccountIDs", []
                "simulated": True,

        now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
        if contract_info.get("effectiveTo"):
            response["expires"] = contract_info.get("effectiveTo")
            expiration_datetime = util.parse_rfc3339_date(response["expires"])
            delta = expiration_datetime - now
            if delta.total_seconds() <= 0:
                message = messages.ATTACH_FORBIDDEN_EXPIRED.format(
                event.error(error_msg=message.msg, error_code=message.name)
                event.info("This token is not valid.\n" + message.msg + "\n")
                ret = 1
        if contract_info.get("effectiveFrom"):
            response["effective"] = contract_info.get("effectiveFrom")
            effective_datetime = util.parse_rfc3339_date(response["effective"])
            delta = now - effective_datetime
            if delta.total_seconds() <= 0:
                message = messages.ATTACH_FORBIDDEN_NOT_YET.format(
                event.error(error_msg=message.msg, error_code=message.name)
                event.info("This token is not valid.\n" + message.msg + "\n")
                ret = 1

        status_cache = self.read_cache("status-cache")
        if status_cache:
            resources = status_cache.get("services")
            resources = get_available_resources(self)

        entitlements = contract_info.get("resourceEntitlements", [])

        inapplicable_resources = [
            for resource in sorted(resources, key=lambda x: x["name"])
            if not resource["available"]

        for resource in resources:
            entitlement_name = resource.get("name", "")
                ent_cls = entitlement_factory(entitlement_name)
            except exceptions.EntitlementNotFoundError:
            ent = ent_cls(self)
            entitlement_information = self._get_entitlement_information(
                entitlements, entitlement_name
                    "name": resource.get("presentedAs", ent.name),
                    "description": ent.description,
                    "entitled": entitlement_information["entitled"],
                    "auto_enabled": entitlement_information["auto_enabled"],
                    "available": "yes"
                    if ent.name not in inapplicable_resources
                    else "no",
        response["services"].sort(key=lambda x: x.get("name", ""))

        support = self._get_entitlement_information(entitlements, "support")
        if support["entitled"]:
            supportLevel = support["affordances"].get("supportLevel")
            if supportLevel:
                response["contract"]["tech_support_level"] = supportLevel

        response = self._handle_beta_resources(show_beta, response)

        return response, ret

    def status(self, show_beta: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Return status as a dict, using a cache for non-root users

        When unattached, get available resources from the contract service
        to report detailed availability of different resources for this

        Write the status-cache when called by root.
        if os.getuid() != 0:
            response = cast("Dict[str, Any]", self.read_cache("status-cache"))
            if not response:
                response = self._unattached_status()
        elif not self.is_attached:
            response = self._unattached_status()
            response = self._attached_status()


        if os.getuid() == 0:
            self.write_cache("status-cache", response)

            # Try to remove fix reboot notices if not applicable
            if not util.should_reboot():
                        operation="fix operation"

        response = self._handle_beta_resources(show_beta, response)

        return response

    def help(self, name):
        """Return help information from an uaclient service as a dict

        :param name: Name of the service for which to return help data.

        :raises: UserFacingError when no help is available.
        from uaclient.contract import get_available_resources
        from uaclient.entitlements import entitlement_factory

        resources = get_available_resources(self)
        help_resource = None

        # We are using an OrderedDict here to guarantee
        # that if we need to print the result of this
        # dict, the order of insertion will always be respected
        response_dict = OrderedDict()
        response_dict["name"] = name

        for resource in resources:
            if resource["name"] == name or resource.get("presentedAs") == name:
                    help_ent_cls = entitlement_factory(resource["name"])
                except exceptions.EntitlementNotFoundError:
                help_resource = resource
                help_ent = help_ent_cls(self)

        if help_resource is None:
            raise exceptions.UserFacingError(
                "No help available for '{}'".format(name)

        if self.is_attached:
            service_status = self._attached_service_status(help_ent, {})
            status_msg = service_status["status"]

            response_dict["entitled"] = service_status["entitled"]
            response_dict["status"] = status_msg

            if status_msg == "enabled" and help_ent_cls.is_beta:
                response_dict["beta"] = True

            if help_resource["available"]:
                available = status.UserFacingAvailability.AVAILABLE.value
                available = status.UserFacingAvailability.UNAVAILABLE.value

            response_dict["available"] = available

        response_dict["help"] = help_ent.help_info
        return response_dict

    def process_config(self):
        for prop in (
            value = getattr(self, prop)
            if value is None:
                    "No config set for {}, default value will be used."
            elif not isinstance(value, int) or value < 0:
                error_msg = (
                    "Value for the {} interval must be a positive integer. "
                    "Default value will be used."
                raise exceptions.UserFacingError(error_msg)

            "http", self.apt_http_proxy, util.PROXY_VALIDATION_APT_HTTP_URL
            "https", self.apt_https_proxy, util.PROXY_VALIDATION_APT_HTTPS_URL
            "http", self.http_proxy, util.PROXY_VALIDATION_SNAP_HTTP_URL
            "https", self.https_proxy, util.PROXY_VALIDATION_SNAP_HTTPS_URL

        apt.setup_apt_proxy(self.apt_http_proxy, self.apt_https_proxy)

        services_with_proxies = []
        if snap.is_installed():
            snap.configure_snap_proxy(self.http_proxy, self.https_proxy)
            if (
                not self.http_proxy
                and snap.get_config_option_value(snap.HTTP_PROXY_OPTION)
            ) or (
                not self.https_proxy
                and snap.get_config_option_value(snap.HTTPS_PROXY_OPTION)

        from uaclient.entitlements import livepatch

        livepatch_ent = livepatch.LivepatchEntitlement()
        livepatch_status, _ = livepatch_ent.application_status()

        if livepatch_status == status.ApplicationStatus.ENABLED:
                self.http_proxy, self.https_proxy
            if (
                not self.http_proxy
                and livepatch.get_config_option_value(
            ) or (
                not self.https_proxy
                and livepatch.get_config_option_value(

        if len(services_with_proxies) > 0:
            services = ", ".join(services_with_proxies)

    def write_cfg(self, config_path=None):
        """Write config values back to config_path or DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE."""
        if not config_path:
            config_path = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
        content = messages.UACLIENT_CONF_HEADER
        cfg_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.cfg)
        if "log_level" not in cfg_dict:
            cfg_dict["log_level"] = CONFIG_DEFAULTS["log_level"]
        # Ensure defaults are present in uaclient.conf if absent
        for attr in (
            cfg_dict[attr] = getattr(self, attr)

        # Each UA_CONFIGURABLE_KEY needs to have a property on UAConfig
        # which reads the proper key value or returns a default
        cfg_dict["ua_config"] = {
            key: getattr(self, key) for key in UA_CONFIGURABLE_KEYS

        content += yaml.dump(cfg_dict, default_flow_style=False)
        util.write_file(config_path, content)

def get_config_path() -> str:
    """Get config path to be used when loading config dict."""
    config_file = os.environ.get("UA_CONFIG_FILE")
    if config_file:
        return config_file

    local_cfg = os.path.join(
        os.getcwd(), os.path.basename(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)
    if os.path.exists(local_cfg):
        return local_cfg


def parse_config(config_path=None):
    """Parse known UA config file

    Attempt to find configuration in cwd and fallback to DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE.
    Any missing configuration keys will be set to CONFIG_DEFAULTS.

    Values are overridden by any environment variable with prefix 'UA_'.

    @param config_path: Fullpath to ua configfile. If unspecified, use

    @return: Dict of configuration values.
    cfg = copy.copy(CONFIG_DEFAULTS)

    if not config_path:
        config_path = get_config_path()

    LOG.debug("Using UA client configuration file at %s", config_path)
    if os.path.exists(config_path):
    env_keys = {}
    for key, value in os.environ.items():
        key = key.lower()
        if key.startswith("ua_"):
            # Strip leading UA_
            field_name = key[3:]
            if field_name.startswith("features_"):
                # Strip leading UA_FEATURES_
                feature_field_name = field_name[9:]

                # Users can provide a yaml file to override
                # config behavor. If they do, we are going
                # to load that yaml and update the config
                # with it
                if value.endswith("yaml"):
                    if os.path.exists(value):
                        value = yaml.safe_load(util.load_file(value))
                        raise exceptions.UserFacingError(
                            "Could not find yaml file: {}".format(value)

                if "features" not in cfg:
                    cfg["features"] = {feature_field_name: value}
                    cfg["features"][feature_field_name] = value
            elif key in CONFIG_FIELD_ENVVAR_ALLOWLIST:
                env_keys[field_name] = value
    cfg["data_dir"] = os.path.expanduser(cfg["data_dir"])
    for key in ("contract_url", "security_url"):
        if not util.is_service_url(cfg[key]):
            raise exceptions.UserFacingError(
                "Invalid url in config. {}: {}".format(key, cfg[key])
    # log about invalid keys before ignoring
    for key in sorted(set(cfg.keys()).difference(VALID_UA_CONFIG_KEYS)):
            "Ignoring invalid uaclient.conf key: %s=%s", key, cfg.pop(key)

    return cfg

def apply_config_settings_override(override_key: str):
    """Decorator used to override function return by config settings.

    To identify if we should override the function return, we check
    if the config object has the expected override key, we use it
    has, we will use the key value as the function return. Otherwise
    we will call the function normally.

    @param override_key: key to be looked for in the settings_override
     entry in the config dict. If that key is present, we will return
     its value as the function return.

    def wrapper(f):
        def new_f():
            cfg = parse_config()
            value_override = cfg.get("settings_overrides", {}).get(
                override_key, UNSET_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE_KEY

            if value_override != UNSET_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE_KEY:
                if override_key == "cloud_type":
                    return (value_override, None)
                return value_override

            return f()

        return new_f

    return wrapper

def depth_first_merge_overlay_dict(base_dict, overlay_dict):
    """Merge the contents of overlay dict into base_dict not only on top-level
    keys, but on all on the depths of the overlay_dict object. For example,
    using these values as entries for the function:

    base_dict = {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": 3}}
    overlay_dict = {"b": {"c": 10}}

    Should update base_dict into:

    {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 10, "d": 3}}

    @param base_dict: The dict to be updated
    @param overlay_dict: The dict with information to be added into base_dict

    def update_dict_list(base_values, overlay_values, key):
        values_to_append = []
        id_key = MERGE_ID_KEY_MAP.get(key)
        for overlay_value in overlay_values:
            was_replaced = False
            for base_value_idx, base_value in enumerate(base_values):
                if base_value.get(id_key) == overlay_value.get(id_key):
                    depth_first_merge_overlay_dict(base_value, overlay_value)
                    was_replaced = True

            if not was_replaced:


    for key, value in overlay_dict.items():
        base_value = base_dict.get(key)
        if isinstance(base_value, dict) and isinstance(value, dict):
            depth_first_merge_overlay_dict(base_dict[key], value)
        elif isinstance(base_value, list) and isinstance(value, list):
            if len(base_value) and isinstance(base_value[0], dict):
                update_dict_list(base_dict[key], value, key=key)
                Most other lists which aren't lists of dicts are lists of
                strs. Replace that list # with the overlay value."""
                base_dict[key] = value
            base_dict[key] = value

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