D7net Mini Sh3LL v1
Current File : //libx32/../share/aclocal-1.16/../doc/fonts-liberation/../libhcrypto4-heimdal/../../../bin/ptar |
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if $running_under_some_shell;
use strict;
BEGIN { pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.' }
use File::Find;
use Getopt::Std;
use Archive::Tar;
use Data::Dumper;
# Allow historic support for dashless bundled options
# tar cvf file.tar
# is valid (GNU) tar style
@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^[DdcvzthxIC]+[fT]?$/ and
unshift @ARGV, map { "-$_" } split m// => shift @ARGV;
my $opts = {};
getopts('Ddcvzthxf:ICT:', $opts) or die usage();
### show the help message ###
die usage() if $opts->{h};
### enable debugging (undocumented feature)
local $Archive::Tar::DEBUG = 1 if $opts->{d};
### enable insecure extracting.
local $Archive::Tar::INSECURE_EXTRACT_MODE = 1 if $opts->{I};
### sanity checks ###
unless ( 1 == grep { defined $opts->{$_} } qw[x t c] ) {
die "You need exactly one of 'x', 't' or 'c' options: " . usage();
my $compress = $opts->{z} ? 1 : 0;
my $verbose = $opts->{v} ? 1 : 0;
my $file = $opts->{f} ? $opts->{f} : 'default.tar';
my $tar = Archive::Tar->new();
if( $opts->{c} ) {
my @files;
my @src = @ARGV;
if( $opts->{T} ) {
if( $opts->{T} eq "-" ) {
chomp( @src = <STDIN> );
} elsif( open my $fh, "<", $opts->{T} ) {
chomp( @src = <$fh> );
} else {
die "$0: $opts->{T}: $!\n";
find( sub { push @files, $File::Find::name;
print $File::Find::name.$/ if $verbose }, @src );
if ($file eq '-') {
use IO::Handle;
$file = IO::Handle->new();
my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
if( $opts->{C} ) {
for my $f ($tar->get_files) {
$f->mode($f->mode & ~022); # chmod go-w
$tar->write($file, $compress);
} else {
if ($file eq '-') {
use IO::Handle;
$file = IO::Handle->new();
### print the files we're finding?
my $print = $verbose || $opts->{'t'} || 0;
my $iter = Archive::Tar->iter( $file );
while( my $f = $iter->() ) {
print $f->full_path . $/ if $print;
### data dumper output
print Dumper( $f ) if $opts->{'D'};
### extract it
$f->extract if $opts->{'x'};
### pod & usage in one
sub usage {
my $usage .= << '=cut';
=head1 NAME
ptar - a tar-like program written in perl
ptar is a small, tar look-alike program that uses the perl module
Archive::Tar to extract, create and list tar archives.
ptar -c [-v] [-z] [-C] [-f ARCHIVE_FILE | -] FILE FILE ...
ptar -c [-v] [-z] [-C] [-T index | -] [-f ARCHIVE_FILE | -]
ptar -x [-v] [-z] [-f ARCHIVE_FILE | -]
ptar -t [-z] [-f ARCHIVE_FILE | -]
ptar -h
=head1 OPTIONS
c Create ARCHIVE_FILE or STDOUT (-) from FILE
x Extract from ARCHIVE_FILE or STDIN (-)
t List the contents of ARCHIVE_FILE or STDIN (-)
f Name of the ARCHIVE_FILE to use. Default is './default.tar'
z Read/Write zlib compressed ARCHIVE_FILE (not always available)
v Print filenames as they are added or extracted from ARCHIVE_FILE
h Prints this help message
C CPAN mode - drop 022 from permissions
T get names to create from file
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<tar(1)>, L<Archive::Tar>.
### strip the pod directives
$usage =~ s/=pod\n//g;
$usage =~ s/=head1 //g;
### add some newlines
$usage .= $/.$/;
return $usage;
AnonSec - 2021 | Recode By D7net