D7net Mini Sh3LL v1
Current File : //libx32/../share/fwupd/../doc/dmidecode/../python3/../rsyslog/../fdisk/../pastebinit/README |
To enable support for private pastebins, first you will need to know the fields
that are in use by the pastebin when posting data.
Add a file in the ~/.pastebin.d or /etc/pastebin.d/ directory with the
following format:
basename = domain.name
regexp = "http://(.*)\.?domain.name/"
reserved_keyword = pastebin_site_field
custom_keyword = pastebin_site_field
custom_keyword = value
Under "[pastebin]", you will want to keep the very basic information to
identify the pastebin. Only two fields are used in that section:
basename - the generic domain name for the pastebin.
this domain name should not contain
possible sub-domains in use.
regexp - a regular expression that matches the
basename, as well as any sub-domains that
may be in use.
Under "[format]", identify the various fields in use in the pastebin you want
to setup. Identify any fields used to publish data on the pastebin, and add
them to the configuration file.
The "[format]" section expects reserved and custom keywords matched to the real
name for the field for the pastebin you are setting up. In other words, the
data that a reserved or custom keyword (the left-hand side) refers to will be
put in the named field assigned to it (the right-hand side).
A number of reserved keywords can be used, but are optional:
user - contains the username for the user
calling the pastebinit utility.
content - contains the data that will be posted.
title - contains the title if set at the command
version - contains the version as set at the
command line.
format - contains the format setting:
usually used for syntax highlighting.
permatag - contains permatag as set at the command
username - contains the pastebin username if
password - contains the pastebin user's password
if required.
jabberid - contains the jabberid for the poster
as set at the command line.
private - make the paste private if possible
Two additional special parameters are available for use:
page - used to specify a page from which to
post data. It is the actual URL of
the pastebin's form.
regexp - used to specify a regexp to execute
on the resulting page after posting.
This is useful to deal with special
pastebins that don't redirect you
to the new post's URL.
Add any other fields in use for the specific pastebin you are setting up may be
added to the "[format]" section using the same syntax.
An easy way to deal with special parameters that need to be passed to the
pastebin, such as expiry time for a post, is to assign the pastebin's field
name to a variable, and set the correct value for that variable under the
"[defaults]" section later, as such:
expire = expiry
expire = 365
Where 'expire' can then be reused as the keyword to retrieve a static value in
the '[defaults]' section. See below for an example.
The '[defaults]' section is used to set static values for custom fields.
Some pastebins require setting fields such as expiry time for posts, or
whether to use cookies. Such values are set using a custom field, followed by
the value to give it.
To reuse the example above, statically set a post to be expire after 365 days:
expire = 365
Here, the value 365 will be assigned to the expire keyword. In the "[format]"
section, the value in the expire keyword is applied to the field called
AnonSec - 2021 | Recode By D7net