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<span id="Scrolling-Commands"></span><div class="header">
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<span id="Moving-Text-Within-a-Window"></span><h2 class="chapter">4 Moving Text Within a Window</h2>
<span id="index-scrolling"></span>

<p>Sometimes you are looking at a screenful of text, and only part of the
current paragraph you are reading is visible on the screen.  The
commands detailed in this section are used to shift which part of the
current node is visible on the screen.
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><tt class="key">SPC</tt> (<code>scroll-forward</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-SPC_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<dt><tt class="key">NEXT</tt></dt>
<dd><span id="index-NEXT"></span>
<span id="index-scroll_002dforward"></span>
<p>Shift the text in this window up.  That is, show more of the node which
is currently below the bottom of the window.  With a numeric argument,
show that many more lines at the bottom of the window; a numeric
argument of 4 would shift all of the text in the window up 4 lines
(discarding the top 4 lines), and show you four new lines at the bottom
of the window.  Without a numeric argument, <tt class="key">SPC</tt> takes the bottom
two lines of the window and places them at the top of the window,
redisplaying almost a completely new screenful of lines.  If you are at
the end of a node, <tt class="key">SPC</tt> takes you to the &ldquo;next&rdquo; node, so that you can
read an entire manual from start to finish by repeating <tt class="key">SPC</tt>.
<span id="index-PageDown"></span>
<p>The <tt class="key">NEXT</tt> key is known as the <tt class="key">PageDown</tt> key on some
<dt><kbd>C-v</kbd> (<code>scroll-forward-page-only</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-C_002dv"></span>
<span id="index-scroll_002dforward_002dpage_002donly"></span>
<p>Shift the text in this window up.  This is identical to the <tt class="key">SPC</tt>
operation above, except that it never scrolls beyond the end of the
current node.
<dt><code>M-x scroll-forward-page-only-set-window</code></dt>
<dd><span id="index-scroll_002dforward_002dpage_002donly_002dset_002dwindow"></span>
<p>Scroll forward, like with <kbd>C-v</kbd>, but if a numeric argument is
specified, it becomes the default scroll size for subsequent
<code>scroll-forward</code> and <code>scroll-backward</code> commands and their
<dt><tt class="key">DEL</tt> (<code>scroll-backward</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-DEL_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<dt><tt class="key">PREVIOUS</tt></dt>
<dd><span id="index-PREVIOUS"></span>
<span id="index-scroll_002dbackward"></span>
<p>Shift the text in this window down.  The inverse of
If you are at the start of a node, <tt class="key">DEL</tt> takes you to the
&ldquo;previous&rdquo; node, so that you can read an entire manual from finish to
start by repeating <tt class="key">DEL</tt>.  The default scroll size can be changed by
invoking the (<code>scroll-backward-page-only-set-window</code>) command with
a numeric argument.
<span id="index-BS-_0028backspace_0029"></span>
<p>If your keyboard lacks the <tt class="key">DEL</tt> key, look for a key called
<tt class="key">BS</tt>, or &lsquo;<samp>Backspace</samp>&rsquo;, sometimes designated with an arrow which
points to the left, which should perform the same function.
<span id="index-PageUp"></span>
<p>The <tt class="key">PREVIOUS</tt> key is the <tt class="key">PageUp</tt> key on many keyboards.  Emacs
refers to it by the name <tt class="key">PRIOR</tt>.
<dt><kbd>M-v</kbd> (<code>scroll-backward-page-only</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-M_002dv"></span>
<span id="index-scroll_002dbackward_002dpage_002donly"></span>
<p>Shift the text in this window down.  The inverse of
<code>scroll-forward-page-only</code>.  Does not scroll beyond the start of
the current node.  The default scroll size can be changed by invoking
the <code>scroll-backward-page-only-set-window</code> command with a numeric
<dt><code>M-x scroll-backward-page-only-set-window</code></dt>
<dd><span id="index-scroll_002dbackward_002dpage_002donly_002dset_002dwindow"></span>
<p>Scroll backward, like with <kbd>M-v</kbd>, but if a numeric argument is
specified, it becomes the default scroll size for subsequent
<code>scroll-forward</code> and <code>scroll-backward</code> commands.
<dt><code>M-x down-line</code></dt>
<dd><span id="index-down_002dline"></span>
<p>Scroll forward by one line.  With a numeric argument, scroll forward
that many lines.
<dt><code>M-x up-line</code></dt>
<dd><span id="index-up_002dline"></span>
<p>Scroll backward one line.  With a numeric argument, scroll backward that
many lines.
<dt><code>M-x scroll-half-screen-down</code></dt>
<dd><span id="index-scroll_002dhalf_002dscreen_002ddown"></span>
<p>Scroll forward by half of the screen size.  With a numeric argument,
scroll that many lines.  If an argument is specified, it becomes the new
default number of lines to scroll for subsequent
<code>scroll-half-screen-down</code> and <code>scroll-half-screen-up</code> commands.
<dt><code>M-x scroll-half-screen-up</code></dt>
<dd><span id="index-scroll_002dhalf_002dscreen_002dup"></span>
<p>Scroll back by half of the screen size.  With a numeric argument,
scroll that many lines.  If an argument is specified, it becomes the new
default number of lines to scroll for subsequent
<code>scroll-half-screen-down</code> and <code>scroll-half-screen-up</code> 

<span id="index-scrolling-through-node-structure"></span>
<p>The <code>scroll-forward</code> and <code>scroll-backward</code> commands can also
move forward and backward through the node structure of the file.  If
you press <tt class="key">SPC</tt> while viewing the end of a node, or <tt class="key">DEL</tt> while
viewing the beginning of a node, what happens is controlled by the
variable <code>scroll-behavior</code> (see <a href="Variables.html#scroll_002dbehavior">scroll-behavior</a>).
<p>The <code>scroll-forward-page-only</code> and <code>scroll-backward-page-only</code>
commands never scroll beyond the current node.
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><kbd>C-l</kbd> (<code>redraw-display</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-C_002dl"></span>
<span id="index-redraw_002ddisplay"></span>
<p>Redraw the display from scratch, or shift the line containing the cursor
to a specified location.  With no numeric argument, &lsquo;<samp>C-l</samp>&rsquo; clears
the screen, and then redraws its entire contents.  Given a numeric
argument of <var>n</var>, the line containing the cursor is shifted so that
it is on the <var>n</var>th line of the window.
<dt><kbd>C-x <kbd>w</kbd></kbd> (<code>toggle-wrap</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-C_002dw"></span>
<span id="index-toggle_002dwrap"></span>
<p>Toggles the state of line wrapping in the current window.  Normally,
lines which are longer than the screen width <em>wrap</em>, i.e., they are
continued on the next line.  Lines which wrap have a &lsquo;<samp>\</samp>&rsquo; appearing
in the rightmost column of the screen.  You can cause such lines to be
terminated at the rightmost column by changing the state of line
wrapping in the window with <code>C-x w</code>.  When a line which needs more
space than one screen width to display is displayed, a &lsquo;<samp>$</samp>&rsquo; appears
in the rightmost column of the screen, and the remainder of the line is
invisible.  When long lines are truncated, the mode line displays the
&lsquo;<samp>$</samp>&rsquo; character near its left edge.

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