D7net Mini Sh3LL v1
Current File : //usr/share/systemd/../doc/libfuse2/../libltdl-dev/../libxmu6/../vim/../mawk/examples/hcal |
#!/usr/bin/mawk -We
# edit the above to be the full pathname of 'mawk'
# @(#) hcal - v01.00.02 - Tue Feb 27 21:21:21 EST 1996
# @(#) prints a 3-month (highlighted) calendar centered on the target month
# @(#) may be edited for week to start with Sun or Mon & for local language
# @(#) to display a usage screen, execute: hcal -h
# NOTE: to edit, set ts=4 in 'vi' (or equivalent)
# to print, pipe through 'pr -t -e4'
# Using ideas from a KornShell script by Mikhail Kuperblum (mikhail@klm.com)
# Bob Stockler - bob@trebor.iglou.com - Sysop CompuServe SCOForum [75162,1612]
# Local Edits:
PROG = "hcal" # Program name given to this script
# FMT = 0 # date format dd/mm/yyyy
# FMT1 = 0 # for weekdays ordered "Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su"
FMT = 1 # date format mm/dd/yyyy
FMT1 = 1 # for weekdays ordered "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa"
# edit day & month names and abbreviations for local language names
Days[0] = "Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su"
Days[1] = "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa"
MONTHS = "January February March April May June July August"
MONTHS = MONTHS " September October November December"
Months = "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec"
# STDOUT = 0 # emulate SCO Unix 'cal' (NO highlighting)
STDOUT = 1 # default to highlight mode
MINUS = "-" # possible input date field delimiter
SLASH = "/" # possible input date field delimiter
DOT = "." # possible input date field delimiter
IDFD = "[" MINUS # make MINUS the first character in this series
IDFD = IDFD SLASH # so that it stands for itself in the RE
IDFD = IDFD DOT "]" # Input Date Field Delimiters RE
ODFD = SLASH # Output Date Field Delimiter (default)
DATE_FMT = "%.2d%s%.2d%s%.4d" # date format
## this script presumes 'date' recognizes these arguments in these ways:
## w - Day of the week - Sunday = 0
## m - Month of year - 01 to 12
## d - Day of month - 01 to 31
## y Last 2 digits of year - 00 to 99
## Y - Year (including century), as decimal numbers
## j - Day of the year - 001 to 366 (Julian date)
## T - Time as HH:MM:SS
## X Current time, as defined by the locale
## a - Abbreviated weekday - Sun to Sat
## b - Abbreviated month name
## Z - Timezone name, or no characters if no timezone exists
## Command to get today's date information:
## DATE = "/bin/date '+%w %m %d 19%y %j~%a %b %d %T %Z 19%y'"
## For sunos4
## DATE = DATE = "/bin/date '+%w %m %d 19%y %j~%a %h %d %T 19%y'"
DATE = "/bin/date '+%w %m %d %Y %j~%a %b %d %X %Z %Y'"
# End of Local Edits
INT_RE = "^[0-9]+$" # unsigned integer RE
S_INT_RE = "^[-+][0-9]+$" # signed integer RE
MNAM_RE = "^[A-Za-z]+$" # month name RE
YEAR_RE = "^[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]$"
DATE_RE = "^[0-9]?[0-9]" IDFD "[0-9]?[0-9]" IDFD "[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]$"
DAT1_RE = "^[0-9]?[0-9]" IDFD "[0-9]?[0-9]$"
split("31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31",Mdays) ; Mdays[0] = 0
if ( ARGV[1] == "-x" ) {
# standout mode switch
if ( STDOUT == 1 ) STDOUT = 0 ; else STDOUT = 1
ARG1 = ARGV[2] ; ARG2 = ARGV[3] ; NUM_ARGS -= 1
else if ( ARGV[1] ~ /^-[h?]$/ ) { HELP = 1 ; exit }
else { ARG1 = ARGV[1] ; ARG2 = ARGV[2] }
if ( STDOUT == 1 ) {
# get the terminal standout-start & standout-end control codes
so = ENVIRON["so"] ; if ( ! so ) "tput smso" | getline so
se = ENVIRON["se"] ; if ( ! se ) "tput rmso" | getline se
if ( NUM_ARGS == 0 ) {
# no arguments - print a calendar display centered on today
else if ( NUM_ARGS == 1 ) {
# one argument - may be a month name, date, year, or interval of days
if ( ARG1 ~ DATE_RE ) DATE1 = Fmt_Date(ARG1)
else if ( ARG1 ~ DAT1_RE ) DATE1 = ARG1
else if ( ARG1 ~ MNAM_RE ) { Get_Mnum() ; DATE1 = RMSO = ARG1 "/1" }
else if ( ARG1 ~ S_INT_RE ) INTERVAL = ARG1 + 0
else if ( ARG1 ~ INT_RE ) {
if ( ARG1 > 0 && ARG1 <= 9999 ) YEAR = ARG1 + 0
else if ( ARG1 > 9999 ) { ERR = 9 ; exit }
else { ERR = 7 ; exit }
else { ERR = 1 ; exit }
else if ( NUM_ARGS == 2 ) {
# two arguments, the second of which must be an integer
if ( ARG2 ~ INT_RE ) {
ARG2 = ARG2 + 0
if ( ARG2 < 1 ) { ERR = 7 ; exit }
else if ( ARG2 > 9999 ) { ERR = 9 ; exit }
else { ERR = 1 ; exit }
RMSO = 1
# the first may be a string or an integer
if ( ARG1 ~ INT_RE ) {
# a month number and a year
if ( ARG1 < 1 || ARG1 > 12 ) { ERR = 4 ; mm = ARG1 ; exit }
else if ( ARG1 ~ MNAM_RE ) {
else { ERR = 6 ; exit }
DATE1 = ARG1 "/1/" ARG2
else { ERR = 2 ; exit }
if ( DEFAULT ) { Get_Now() }
else if ( INTERVAL ) {
daynum = daynum + ( INTERVAL % 7 )
this_date = ""
DATE1 = Get_Date(INTERVAL,m,d,y,j)
Mon[2] = mdy[1] + 0
today = mdy[2] + 0
Year[1] = Year[2] = Year[3] = mdy[3] + 0
else if ( DATE1 ) {
if ( split(DATE1,mdy,IDFD) == 2 ) DATE1 = DATE1 "/" This_Year
Mon[2] = mdy[1] + 0
today = mdy[2] + 0
Year[1] = Year[2] = Year[3] = mdy[3] + 0
DATE1 = sprintf( "%.2d/%.2d/%.4d", Mon[2], today, Year[2] )
INTERVAL = Get_Num(DATE1,m,d,y,j)
daynum = daynum + ( INTERVAL % 7 )
this_date = ""
else if ( YEAR ) {
so = se = ""
Mon[2] = 2
today = 1
Year[1] = Year[2] = Year[3] = YEAR
DATE1 = sprintf( "%.2d/%.2d/%.4d", Mon[2], today, Year[2] )
INTERVAL = Get_Num(DATE1,m,d,y,j)
daynum = daynum + ( INTERVAL % 7 )
this_date = ""
else { ERR = 5 ; exit }
if ( Mon[2] != 1 ) Mon[1] = Mon[2] - 1
else { Mon[1] = 12 ; Year[1] -= 1 }
if ( Mon[2] != 12 ) Mon[3] = Mon[2] + 1
else { Mon[3] = 1 ; Year[3] += 1 }
if ( Mon[1] == 2 ) Leap(Year[1])
else if ( Mon[2] == 2 ) Leap(Year[2])
else if ( Mon[3] == 2 ) Leap(Year[3])
Start[2] = 7 - ( ( today - daynum ) % 7 )
Start[1] = 7 - ( ( Mdays[Mon[1]] - Start[2] ) % 7 )
Start[3] = ( Mdays[Mon[2]] + Start[2] ) % 7
if ( ! YEAR ) quarters = 1
else {
quarters = 4 ; s[3] = Start[3]
for (i=4;i<=12;i++) { s[i] = ( Mdays[i-1] + s[i-1] ) % 7 }
for ( quarter = 1 ; quarter <= quarters ; quarter++ ) {
if ( quarter > 1 ) {
delete cal
ll = 0 ; Mon[1] += 3 ; Mon[2] += 3 ; Mon[3] += 3
Start[1] = s[Mon[1]] ; Start[2] = s[Mon[2]] ; Start[3] = s[Mon[3]]
if ( Year[2] == 1752 && Mon[2] ~ /8|9|10/ ) Kludge_1752()
if ( ARG1 ) print "" ; else printf( "\n%s\n\n", this_date )
for (i=1;i<=3;i++) { while ( Start[i] >= 7 ) Start[i] -= 7 }
for (mm=1;mm<=3;mm++) { l = 1
if ( mm != 2 ) { So = Se = "" } else { So = so ; Se = se }
cal[mm SUBSEP l++] = sprintf( "%s %-4s%.4d %s ", \
So, M_Name[Mon[mm]], Year[mm], Se )
cal[mm SUBSEP l++] = sprintf( "%s%3s", Days[FMT1], "" )
j = k = 1
while ( j <= Mdays[Mon[mm]] ) {
line = ""
for (i=1;i<=7;i++) {
if ( Start[mm] > 0 || j > Mdays[Mon[mm]] ) {
date = "" ; Start[mm]-- }
else date = j++
if ( Year[mm] == 1752 && Mon[mm] == 9 && date == 3 ) {
date = 14 ; j = 15 }
if ( date == today && mm == 2 && ! RMSO ) {
So = so ; Se = se }
else { So = Se = "" }
line = sprintf( "%s%s%2s%s ", line, So, date, Se )
cal[mm SUBSEP l++] = sprintf( "%s ", line )
if ( l > ll ) ll = l
for (l=1;l<ll;l++) {
for (mm=1;mm<=3;mm++) {
if ( cal[mm SUBSEP l] != "" ) printf( cal[mm SUBSEP l] )
else printf( "%23s", "" )
if ( mm % 3 == 0 ) print ""
exit 0
if ( ! HELP && ! ERR ) exit 0
if ( ERR ) {
for (i=1;i<ARGC;i++) { ARGS = ARGS sp ARGV[i] ; sp = " " }
if ( ERR == 1 ) msg = "Bad argument format or content:"
else if ( ERR == 2 ) msg = "Wrong argument count (" ARGC - 1 "):"
else if ( ERR == 3 ) msg = "Date before 01/01/0001 (" Get_Y1() "):"
else if ( ERR == 4 ) msg = "Bad month (" mm "):"
else if ( ERR == 5 ) msg = "Bad date (" dd "):"
else if ( ERR == 6 ) msg = "Impossible date:"
else if ( ERR == 7 ) msg = "The was no year 0000:"
else if ( ERR == 8 ) msg = "Non-unique month name (" ARG1 "):"
else if ( ERR == 9 ) msg = "Year greater than 9999:"
else msg = "Unknown error:"
HELP = 1 ; q = "\""
if ( HELP ) {
if ( FMT == 1 ) { fmt = "[m]m/[d]d[/yyyy]" ; range = "12/31/9999" }
else { fmt = "[d]d/[m]m[/yyyy]" ; range = "31/12/9999" }
if ( STDOUT == 0 ) n = " not " ; else n = " " ; sp = " "
u= "\n Usage: " PROG " [-x] [args]\n\n" sp
u=u "Prints a 3-month calendar centered on the target month.\n\n" sp
u=u "The default is" n "to highlight the target month (and date if\n" sp
u=u "appropriate); -x switches the default highlight behavior.\n" sp
u=u "With no arguments the target date defaults to today.\n\n" sp
u=u "Arguments may be a date in " fmt " format (where\n" sp
u=u "leading 0's are implied in all unfilled fields, defaulting\n" sp
u=u "to the current year if that field is omitted); a month and\n" sp
u=u "year (where month may be an integer or a month name, perhaps\n" sp
u=u "abbreviated, but sufficient to be unique); or the month name\n" sp
u=u "alone (which defaults to the current year); or a year alone\n" sp
u=u "(which prints a 12-month calendar for that year).\n\n" sp
u=u "A signed integer alone as an argument specifies the target\n" sp
u=u "date to be -n days before or +n days after the current date.\n\n" sp
u=u "Dates from 01/01/0001 to " range " are supported.\n"
usage = u
printf( "\n%s: %s %s%s%s\n", PROG, msg, q, ARGS, q ) >"/dev/tty"
print usage >"/dev/tty"
exit ERR
function Get_Now() {
# get the week, month, date & year numbers and the time-of-day
DATE | getline date
daynum = field[1] + FMT1
m = field[2] ; This_Mon = Mon[2] = m + 0
d = field[3] ; This_Date = today = d + 0
y = This_Year = Year[1] = Year[2] = Year[3] = field[4]
j = julian = field[5] + 0
this_date = Date[2]
function Fmt_Date(date) {
# format dates as mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy
if ( FMT == 1 ) { Dt_Fld1 = MorD_DorM_Y[1] ; Dt_Fld2 = MorD_DorM_Y[2] }
else { Dt_Fld1 = MorD_DorM_Y[2] ; Dt_Fld2 = MorD_DorM_Y[1] }
Dt_Fld3 = MorD_DorM_Y[3]
return sprintf( DATE_FMT, Dt_Fld1, ODFD, Dt_Fld2, ODFD, Dt_Fld3 )
function Kludge_1752() {
# kludge for September 1752 & the change to the Gregorian Calendar
Mdays[9] = 30
if ( Mon[2] == 9 ) {
Start[1] = Start[2] = 1 + FMT1 ; Start[3] = -1 + FMT1
else if ( Mon[2] == 8 ) {
Start[1] = 2 + FMT1 ; Start[2] = 5 + FMT1 ; Start[3] = 1 + FMT1
else if ( Mon[2] == 10 ) {
Start[1] = 1 + FMT1 ; Start[2] = -1 + FMT1 ; Start[3] = 3
function Get_Mnum() {
ARG1 = tolower(ARG1)
months = tolower(MONTHS)
for (i=1;i<=12;i++) {
if ( index(month[i],ARG1) == 1 ) { ARG = i ; n++ }
if ( n == 1 ) ARG1 = ARG
else if ( n == 0 ) { ERR = 1 ; exit }
else { ERR = 8 ; exit }
function Get_Num(date,m,d,y,j) {
# get the number of days from one date to another date
NOW = y m d ; N = 0 ; M = m + 0 ; D = d + 0 ; Y = y + 0 ; J = j + 0
M2 = mdy[1] ; D2 = mdy[2] ; Y2 = mdy[3]
THEN = Y2 M2 D2 ; M2 = M2 + 0 ; D2 = D2 + 0 ; Y2 = Y2 + 0
if ( M2 > 12 ) { ERR = 4 ; exit }
if ( D2 > Mdays[M2] && Y2 != 1752 && M2 != 9 ) { ERR = 5 ; exit }
if ( THEN ~ /^1752090[3-9]$|^1752091[0-3]$/ ) { ERR = 6 ; exit }
if ( THEN > NOW ) {
Ydays = Ydays - J + 1 ; mdays = Mdays[M] - D + 1
while ( Y < Y2 ) Next_Y()
while ( M < M2 ) Next_M()
while ( D < D2 ) Next_D()
N *= -1
else {
Ydays = J ; mdays = D
while ( Y > Y2 ) Prev_Y()
while ( M > M2 ) Prev_M()
if ( Y == 1752 && M == 9 && D == 19 ) D = 30
while ( D > D2 ) Prev_D()
return N
function Get_Date(n,m,d,y,j) {
# get the date a number of days before or after a date
N = n + 0 ; M = m + 0 ; D = d + 0 ; Y = y + 0 ; J = j + 0
if ( N != 0 ) {
if ( N > 0 ) {
Ydays = Ydays - J + 1 ; mdays = Mdays[M] - D + 1
while ( N >= Ydays ) { Next_Y() ; Leap(Y) }
while ( N >= ( ( mdays > 0 ) ? mdays : Mdays[M] ) ) { Next_M() }
while ( N > 0 ) Next_D()
else {
Ydays = J ; mdays = D ; N *= -1
while ( N >= Ydays ) { Prev_Y() ; Leap(Y) }
while ( N >= ( ( mdays > 0 ) ? mdays : Mdays[M] ) ) { Prev_M() }
if ( Y == 1752 && M == 9 && D == 19 ) D = 30
while ( N > 0 ) Prev_D()
if ( Y < 1 ) { ERR = 3 ; exit }
return M ODFD D ODFD Y
function Leap(YR) {
# adjust for Leap Years
if ( YR % 4 == 0 && ( YR % 100 != 0 || YR % 400 == 0 || YR < 1800 ) ) {
Ydays = 366 ; Mdays[2] = 29 }
else { Ydays = 365 ; Mdays[2] = 28 }
if ( YR != 1752 ) Mdays[9] = 30
else { Ydays = 355 ; Mdays[9] = 19 }
function Chk_Date(date) {
# check validity of input dates
mm = mdy[1] + 0 ; dd = mdy[2] + 0 ; yy = mdy[3] + 0
if ( mm == 2 ) Leap(yy)
if ( yy < 1 ) { ERR = 3 ; exit }
if ( mm < 1 || mm > 12 ) { ERR = 4 ; exit }
if ( dd < 1 || dd > Mdays[mm] ) { ERR = 5 ; exit }
# day counting functions for next or previous year, month and day
function Next_Y() {
N -= Ydays ; Y += 1 ; M = 1 ; D = 1 ; mdays = 0 ; Leap(Y)
function Next_M() {
if ( mdays != 0 ) N -= mdays ; else N -= Mdays[M]
M += 1 ; D = 1 ; mdays = 0
function Next_D() {
N -= 1 ; D += 1
if ( D > Mdays[M] ) { M += 1 ; D = 1 }
else if ( Y == 1752 && M == 9 && D == 2 ) D = 13
function Prev_Y() {
N -= Ydays ; Y -= 1 ; M = 12 ; D = 31 ; mdays = 0 ; Leap(Y)
function Prev_M() {
if ( mdays != 0 ) N -= mdays ; else N -= Mdays[M]
M -= 1 ; D = Mdays[M] ; mdays = 0
function Prev_D() {
N -= 1 ; D -= 1 ; if ( Y == 1752 && M == 9 && D == 13 ) D = 2
function Get_J(m,d,y) {
# get the Julian date for an input date
m = m + 0 ; d = d + 0 ; y = y + 0
j = d
for (i=1;i<m;i++) j = j + Mdays[i]
return j
function Get_Y1() {
# get the number of days to day 1 for the help screen
if ( ! m ) {
if ( mm ) { m = mm ; d = dd ; y = yy }
else if ( M ) { m = M ; d = D ; y = Y }
if ( ! j ) Get_J()
return Get_Num("01/01/0001",m,d,y,j)
AnonSec - 2021 | Recode By D7net