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<!-- This manual is for Stand-alone GNU Info (version 6.7,
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<span id="Cursor-Commands"></span><div class="header">
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<span id="Moving-the-Cursor"></span><h2 class="chapter">3 Moving the Cursor</h2>
<span id="index-cursor_002c-moving"></span>
<span id="index-moving-the-cursor"></span>

<p>GNU Info has several commands which allow you to move the cursor about
the screen.
The notation used in this manual to describe keystrokes
is the same as the notation used within the Emacs manual
(see <a href="../emacs/User-Input.html#User-Input">User Input</a> in <cite>The GNU Emacs Manual</cite>).
<kbd>C-<var>x</var></kbd> means press the <kbd>CTRL</kbd> key and the
key <var>x</var>.  <kbd>M-<var>x</var></kbd> means press the <kbd>META</kbd> key and
the key <var>x</var>.  On many terminals the <kbd>META</kbd> key is known as
the <kbd>ALT</kbd> key.  <kbd>SPC</kbd> is the space bar.  The other keys are
usually called by the names printed on them.
<p>The following table lists the basic cursor movement commands in Info.
Each entry consists of the key sequence you should type to execute the
cursor movement, the <code>M-x</code> command name (displayed
in parentheses), and a short description of what the command
does.<a id="DOCF2" href="#FOOT2"><sup>2</sup></a>
All of the cursor motion commands can take a <em>numeric</em> argument
(see <a href="Miscellaneous-Commands.html"><code>universal-argument</code></a> to find
out how to supply them).  With a numeric argument, the motion commands
are simply executed that many times; for example, a numeric argument
of 4 given to <code>next-line</code> causes the cursor to move down 4 lines.
With a negative numeric argument, the motion is reversed; an argument
of -4 given to the <code>next-line</code> command would cause the
cursor to move <em>up</em> 4 lines.
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><kbd>C-n</kbd> (<code>next-line</code>)</dt>
<dt><tt class="key">DOWN</tt> (an arrow key)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-C_002dn"></span>
<span id="index-DOWN-_0028an-arrow-key_0029"></span>
<span id="index-next_002dline"></span>
<p>Move the cursor down to the next line.
<dt><kbd>C-p</kbd> (<code>prev-line</code>)</dt>
<dt><tt class="key">UP</tt> (an arrow key)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-C_002dp"></span>
<span id="index-UP-_0028an-arrow-key_0029"></span>
<span id="index-prev_002dline"></span>
<p>Move the cursor up to the previous line.
<dt><kbd>C-a</kbd> (<code>beginning-of-line</code>)</dt>
<dt><tt class="key">Home</tt> (on DOS/Windows only)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-C_002da_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<span id="index-Home"></span>
<span id="index-beginning_002dof_002dline"></span>
<p>Move the cursor to the start of the current line.
<dt><kbd>C-e</kbd> (<code>end-of-line</code>)</dt>
<dt><tt class="key">End</tt> (on DOS/Windows only)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-C_002de_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<span id="index-End"></span>
<span id="index-end_002dof_002dline"></span>
<p>Move the cursor to the end of the current line.
<dt><kbd>C-f</kbd> (<code>forward-char</code>)</dt>
<dt><tt class="key">RIGHT</tt> (an arrow key)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-C_002df_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<span id="index-RIGHT-_0028an-arrow-key_0029"></span>
<span id="index-forward_002dchar"></span>
<p>Move the cursor forward a character.
<dt><kbd>C-b</kbd> (<code>backward-char</code>)</dt>
<dt><tt class="key">LEFT</tt> (an arrow key)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-C_002db_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<span id="index-LEFT-_0028an-arrow-key_0029"></span>
<span id="index-backward_002dchar"></span>
<p>Move the cursor backward a character.
<dt><kbd>M-f</kbd> (<code>forward-word</code>)</dt>
<dt><kbd>C-<span class="key">RIGHT</span></kbd> (on DOS/Windows only)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-M_002df_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<span id="index-C_002dRIGHT"></span>
<span id="index-forward_002dword"></span>
<p>Move the cursor forward a word.
<dt><kbd>M-b</kbd> (<code>backward-word</code>)</dt>
<dt><kbd>C-<span class="key">LEFT</span></kbd> (on DOS/Windows only)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-M_002db_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<span id="index-C_002dLEFT"></span>
<span id="index-backward_002dword"></span>
<p>Move the cursor backward a word.
<dt><kbd>M-&lt;</kbd> (<code>beginning-of-node</code>)</dt>
<dt><kbd>C-<span class="key">Home</span></kbd> (on DOS/Windows only)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-b_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<span id="index-M_002d_003c"></span>
<span id="index-C_002dHome"></span>
<span id="index-beginning_002dof_002dnode"></span>
<p>Move the cursor to the start of the current node.
<dt><kbd>M-&gt;</kbd> (<code>end-of-node</code>)</dt>
<dt><kbd>C-<span class="key">End</span></kbd> (on DOS/Windows only)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-M_002d_003e"></span>
<span id="index-e_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<span id="index-C_002dEnd"></span>
<span id="index-end_002dof_002dnode"></span>
<p>Move the cursor to the end of the current node.
<dt><kbd>M-r</kbd> (<code>move-to-window-line</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-M_002dr"></span>
<span id="index-move_002dto_002dwindow_002dline"></span>
<p>Move the cursor to a specific line of the window.  Without a numeric
argument, <code>M-r</code> moves the cursor to the start of the line in the
center of the window.  With a numeric argument of <var>n</var>, <code>M-r</code>
moves the cursor to the start of the <var>n</var>th line in the window.

<div class="footnote">
<h4 class="footnotes-heading">Footnotes</h4>

<h5><a id="FOOT2" href="#DOCF2">(2)</a></h3>
<p><code>M-x</code> is also a command;
it invokes <code>execute-extended-command</code>, letting you run a command
by name.  See <a href="../emacs/M_002dx.html#M_002dx">Executing an extended command</a> in <cite>The GNU
Emacs Manual</cite>, for more detailed information.</p>
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