D7net Mini Sh3LL v1

OFF  |  cURL : OFF  |  WGET : ON  |  Perl : ON  |  Python : OFF
Directory (0775) :  /var/www/html/infor/supporto/bower_components/mocha/../datatables-plugins/../../pages/

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Current File : /var/www/html/infor/supporto/bower_components/mocha/../datatables-plugins/../../pages/datielenco.php



// required for csv export

// connect with pdo 
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=supporto;", "helpdesk", "helpdesk2016");

// create LM object, pass in PDO connection
$lm = new lazy_mofo($dbh); 

// table name for updates, inserts and deletes
$lm->table = 'utente';

// identity / primary key for table
$lm->identity_name = 'id';

// optional, make friendly names for fields
//$lm->rename['country_id'] = 'Country';

// optional, define input controls on the form
//$lm->form_input_control['photo'] = '--image';
//$lm->form_input_control['is_active'] = "select 1, 'Yes' union select 0, 'No' union select 2, 'Maybe'; --radio";
//$lm->form_input_control['country_id'] = 'select country_id, country_name from country; --select';

// optional, define editable input controls on the grid
//$lm->grid_input_control['is_active'] = '--checkbox';

// optional, define output control on the grid 
//$lm->grid_output_control['contact_email'] = '--email'; // make email clickable
//$lm->grid_output_control['photo'] = '--image'; // image clickable  

// new in version >= 2015-02-27 all searches have to be done manually
//$lm->grid_show_search_box = true;

//$lm->grid_show_search_box = true;

// hide delete and export links
$lm->grid_delete_link = "";
$lm->grid_export_link = "";
$lm->grid_add_link = "";
$lm->grid_edit_link = "";

// optional, query for grid(). LAST COLUMN MUST BE THE IDENTITY for [edit] and [delete] links to appear
$lm->grid_sql = "
, r.descrizione 
, u.cognome as Assegnato
, r.dipendente as Richiedente
, r.sede 
, r.tipo
, r.dataa AS Data
, r.id
from richiesta r, utente u where u.id=r.operatore
order by id";
$lm->grid_sql_param[':_search'] = '%' . trim(@$_REQUEST['_search']) . '%';

// copy validation rules to update - same rules
$lm->on_update_validate = $lm->on_insert_validate;  

// use the lm controller

AnonSec - 2021 | Recode By D7net